Today signing ceremony contract to start project to increase efficiency of CHP#4 of Ulaanbaatar city organized in hotel Shangri-La.
In January of 2014 the State great convention promulgated loan agreement which created in November 2013 to implement a project to increase efficiency of CHP#4 which is only supply 70% of energy to Mongolian energy system, the project costs 4.2 billion JPYs and invested by JICA and Government of Japan. 
Suggested 2 string open tender to select project performer, selected company Yokogawa from Japan in the first string and combined consortium of MHPS and MCS had selected in the second string.
Scope of first string, Japan’s company Yokogawa implement changing system from monitoring and controlling system to computer monitoring control system of turbines, upgrade mechanical hydraulic system of regulation of steam turbine number from 1 to 6 of CHP#4. Scope of second string, the combined consortium of MHPS and MCS execute and install 192 pieces of equipment to blow ash on 8 chimneys and upgrade 64 pieces of hub plate of chimney from number 1 to 6.
Hence of this, stoppage connected to regulation of steam turbines of CHP#4 of the Ulaanbaatar city will decrease by 100% and amount of electricity production will increase by 18% in 2019. Also consumption amount of coal will decrease by 8% and will decrease gas emission largely. Consequently, work regime of equipment be stable, condition of fault will decrease. In addition work condition of worker will be improved and working performance will increase. The project will continue until end 2018.
In signing ceremony on contract to start project to increase efficiency of CHP#4, mr. Delgertsogt.D who is secretary of State of Energy said that “the Japan invested to our bigger companies and producer of energy sector and implemented projects were important support for stable and compound steady supplier during the transferring period 1990”.
In scope of co-operation of Mongolia and Japan, videlicet the projects which implemented in CHP#4:
First stage of reconstruction project of CHP with loan by 4.5 billion JPYs in years from 1995 to 2004 and Second stage of reconstruction project of CHP with loan by 6.1 billion JPYs in years from 2001 to 2008 is completed successfully. Scope of above projects, up to date upgrading technics and technologies work had been executing important role to provide stable operation of CHP#4. Also he said that “he had been hope current starting project 3rd stage of with loan by 4.2 billion JPYs will be efficient”.  
Mr. Shimizutani.T who is Ambassador of Japan in Mongolia, Mr. Mato.M who is Director of Agency of Organization of International Cooperation, investors to implement project and executing organizations had attended and made speech on signing ceremony on contract of project to increase efficiency of CHP#4.